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Age20 years
Height60 cm
Weight26 kg

Mato is a small and kind Riolu who doesn't like fighting. He's very friendly, although he gets shy around people he hasn't met yet. He's curious and playful, and likes messing around with technology. He always tries his best to cheer up his friends when they're feeling down. Even in more serious situations, he's childlike and docile. A good boy!

Because he's somewhat weak and inept compared to other Riolu his age, he picks up hobbies that don't require a lot of physical power, such as programming and music. We don't yet know how he manages to precisely press keys with these big handpaws.


Mato is a smolfriend type Pokémon.

His IV's are very low. He's not very fast, he's not very strong, and he's very soft.

However, due to his typing, the moves he gets STAB on are much more effective when your stats are low. Mato is very viable option and lovable.


Despite (or maybe because of) his playful and friendly nature, Mato is often something other than a Riolu. But he's always a good boy/thing regardless~

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